
Specialty Master B2IPME (Integrative Biology of Plant-Microbe-Environment Interactions)

The Master 2 B2IPME mixed, with a course option "professional" and an option "research", is a Master’s degree co-authorized by the University of Burgundy and Dijon AgroSup. It offers both training and research in the fields of agro-ecology, genetics, physiology and biochemistry of plants, and vocational training. It trains and will supply students to research teams on the Dijon campus administered by leading research organizations (INRA, CNRS) and international partners. This M2 syllabus and the M1 Health Life Science form part of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Applied and Environmental Plant Sciences currently submitted to the European Union This course calls on the expertise of a network of universities (Bonn (D), Milan (I), Novi Sad (SR)) and private organisations (Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Russia) which was established under the Erasmus Mundus project.

- To train future managers / researchers in the areas of plant and agri-environmental research;

- Provide an integrative view of biology of the plant’s interactions with its biotic and abiotic environment.

Research course:
- Training, and research in the field of agro-ecology, genetics, physiology and biochemistry of plants;
- Preparation for doctoral thesis.
Career: (M2 Professional, an evolution of the former M2Pro Plant Biotechnology and Production )
- Preparation for employment in the sciences and biotechnology of the plant (eg, use plants as sources of compounds of interest for health and welfare);
- Engineer, Project Manager, responsible for product development, research officer.
- Theoretical training;

- A training course (public or private sector placements);

- Analysis of practical situations including group work.

The Master is based on the UMR INRA / AgroSup / University of Burgundy "Agroecology" which includes, among other disciplines the following themes: Soil microbiology, agronomy, (Eco) Physiology, Ecology, Biochemistry, Genetics


Academic Partnerships

The M2 mixed B2IPME serves to support the project Erasmus Mundus Master "Applied and Environmental Plant Sciences" and benefits from the international partners in place.

These include:

- University of Bonn in Germany, link

- University of Milan in Italy link

- University of Novi Sad, Serbia, link

Partnership agreements were signed with these universities and you can make your internship in any of these research laboratories.

Last News

DIJON : 3ème Ville où il fait bon étudier


Inscription en M2 B2IPME année 2015-2016


Des membres du Pôle IPM de l'UMR Agroécologie réalisent une expérience concrète d'agroécologie sur le tram dijonnais


Groupe Viadeo du Master B2IPME et ex-Master PPB